Practice Management

Mrs Sravani Samavedam Tirumala (f)

Practice Manager

B.Sc (Biotechnology), M.Sc (Biotechnology) Bangalore University, MBA Healthcare Management, Anglia Ruskin University UK.PG Cert. In Healthcare Quality Improvement PG. Cert-Pursing.

Practice Manager - Medicine Management, Clinical Support, PA to GPs, Assistant Business Support, Complaints Manager, Develops Polices and Protocols. Training and monitoring of the staff, CQC compliance Lead. Ensuring smooth running of the day to day activities of the practice. Managing/supervising the diary (holidays, meetings changes etc.) forecasts and reporting, implementing policies, absence management, staff management.

Mrs Cecilia Macaulay. (f)

Business Manager

BSc(Hons), PGCE (Leeds), MEd (Leeds), Fellow Royal Society of Medicine.

Business Manager /Finance Lead. Link with neighbourhood practices. Senior QOF Administrator. Leading not our patients requests for services (eg minor surgery etc) and private patients consultations. Audits. Primary Care Network ((PCN) services. West Basildon PCN (WBPCN) practice lead.


Wendy Baker (f)

QOF Administrator. Wendy deals with QOF which is maintaining patient healthcare and she will call patients daily to book necessary appointments.

Sue Gripton (f)

Receptionist and QOF administrator, calling patients for any necessary health check appointments.


Our receptionists are usually the first point of contact and are here to help you. They have a lot of information to hand and in most cases will be able to help with your enquiry, ensuring you see the most appropriate clinician. Nonetheless, it is your right to request to talk only to the doctor. Anything that is discussed with the receptionists or any other member of the team is treated in strict confidence. You have a right to be treated courteously, and our receptionists also have a right to be treated courteously by you. We can offer a degree of privacy at a separate reception booth (in a separate room) if your enquiry is sensitive. Please respect the privacy of other patients by standing well back from the reception desk until your turn.

The Knares reception team.

Ella Hanks

Kathleen Coates

Tina Hutchinson

Lisa Law

Sue Gripton

Kim Cauchi

Alina Tirsina

Carly Lee

Chloe Oldfield

Tina Hutchinson (f)

Part time receptionist and registrant of patients onto the practice list. Maintain high standard of registration and keeping the practice list updated.

Lisa Law (f)

Part time receptionist

Miss Alina Tirsina (f)
Miss Ella Hanks (f)
Ms Jackie Riley (f)


Mrs Kathleen Coates (f)


Miss Carly Lee (f)

At the reception welcoming patients and visitors, answering the telephone and answering any inquiries. Scheduling appointments and keep those appointments on time. Assisting patients with completing forms and documentation.

Ms Chloe Oldfield (f)

Part time receptionist


Mrs Kim Cauchi (f)

Our Practice Secretary Liaise with hospitals and patients regarding appointments, including Choose & Book.Maintains high standard of system 1 diary and scanning. Ensuring that signatures are obtained on correspondence when necessary. Update patients records and referrals. Type letters, clinical reports and filling.

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